EPIC Starter Package – 1000 Credits


The purchase of this bundle will include a personal EPIC Administration Account plus an initial quantity of 1000 EPIC credits.  The package includes account setup, up to an hour of free instruction on how to use the account, and free ongoing training and support.

Starter packages are for new EPIC sub accounts only.  For established self-administration accounts, please purchase additional credits here.



As an EPIC account owner, you will have access to an online system that is available to you at any time, from any internet-ready device. You will have the capability to issue access codes for individuals to take Everything DiSC and the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Teamâ„¢ assessments, generate reports and view results from your own secure account.

Benefits of being an EPIC Account Owner:

  • Access to your reports whenever, wherever you have an internet connection
  • Customizable, personalized reports with your company’s information
  • Customizable, personalized email content when issuing access codes
  • No monthly/annual/renewal fees
  • Easy to use
  • EPIC credits never expire
  • Access to FREE supplemental reports
  • Cost savings for higher volume purchases of credits

The number of credits charged per report are as follows:









Please Note: If ordering during normal business hours you can expect to have setup of your EPIC self-administration account within 24 hours of ordering.  If ordering on a Friday or before a holiday, please allow until the next business day for delivery of your account.


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