What is the CheckPoint 360°?
The CheckPoint 360° survey combines feedback from direct reports, peers, supervisors, and even others who work with your leaders to help leaders and managers improve their performance and deliver on strategic goals.
Organizations can use feedback from the survey to identify talents, talent gaps, and focus areas to build personalized development plans. It also helps determine alignment opportunities between the leader and the organizational strategy.
By providing the right insight, the survey encourages a culture of high-performance that drives results from the top down.

What Does it Measure?
The CheckPoint 360°™ measures a manager or leader’s performance across 70 leadership behaviors, grouped into 18 Skill Sets and 8 Universal Management and Leadership Competencies:
• Communication
• Leadership
• Adaptability
• Task Management
• Relationships
• Production
• Development of Others
• Personal Development

What is the Process?
The process for completing a CheckPoint 360°™ is as follows:
- At the start of the process, managers and leaders complete a 15-minute, online self-evaluation to gain a full understanding of their leadership capabilities across eight key Management and Leadership Competencies and 18 key Skill Sets.
- People who have close interaction with the manager or leader (such as directly reporting employees, peers, supervisors, and even others who work with your leaders) also provide feedback.
- Through an easy-to- interpret set of reports, both the individual being assessed and their supervisors receive data that can guide the improvement of leadership and management skills.
- All participant responses remain confidential, except for the leaders’ and bosses’ ratings.

What Reports are Available?
The reports available once a survey is completed are as follows:
- Individual Feedback Report – speaks to the leader
- Management Report – speaks to the boss
- Executive Overview – combines 3+ surveys of the same time period and speaks to the C-suite executives
- Comparison Report – compares two different surveys and speaks to the leader
- Management Comparison Report – compares two different surveys and speaks to the boss
Click the links below to view sample reports:
“I have had the opportunity to meet with many of the leaders participating in the program over the past 2 weeks to get their feedback on the process and their coach. I am happy to report that they have had nothing but positive things to say…. They have benefited from gaining the feedback from the report and outside perspectives from their coach.”
-Director, Talent & Performance
a large utility distribution company
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