William Moulton Marston

Harvard-educated psychologist, lawyer, inventor, writer, woman’s rights activist and super hero creator William Moulton Marston had a career that was impressive to say the least.

He had several claims to fame.  He developed a lie detector test in the 1920s which later evolved into the modern day polygraph.  In the 1940s he created the first female superhero – Wonder Woman – the subject of a current box office smash.

And Marston’s research and findings about the measure of human behavior and consciousness led to the theory behind the development of the DiSC profile, utilized by millions of people around the world to build more effective relationships at work and at home.  

Everything DiSC®

Over one million people experience DiSC each and every year to help improve the quality of their workplace and interactions with others.  Whether white-collar, blue-collar, or no-collar, Everything DiSC® can help anyone communicate and interact more effectively with others.

What is Everything DiSC Key Words
The Everything DiSC® family of products:
  • offers solutions for individuals at any level of an organization
  • includes a variety of assessment tools for growth throughout your career
  • is time-tested, extensively researched
  • is innovative and transformational
  • is used in more than 70 countries around the globe