by Michael Holland
There are times in your life as a leader when you will need to make a decision regarding doing the right thing, and treating people the right way. We could discuss the pros and cons with various approaches to doing the right thing and the varied scales of defining right, and while the subjectivity of defining right is understandable at some point, the definition is not an intellectual exercise. You will be forced to decide how you will act.
For some leaders this moment in time comes as they’ve developed realignment plans for the organization and those plans include an impact on employees. While many difficult decisions must be made to balance the financial aspects of the impact, there is a right and honorable way in which to deal with the employees. Transition money will be important to the impacted employees but the belief that they were treated in a professional, dignified and humanistic manner through an incredibly difficult process is ultimately more important.
Act honorably and have the courage to do the right thing.