by Michael Holland
Are you investing 13 minutes a day planning your work? How about your employees?
Productivity increases significantly when we make conscious decisions about what to work on and for how long. Planning allows us to be proactive rather than reactive and to work for results rather than filling time fighting fires or just being busy with activities. Invest 13 minutes in planning and re-planning your day to stay focused and increase your and your team’s productivity.
7 Minutes to Start Your Day
Start your day investing 7 minutes of your budget to think about the following:
- What should I be working on today to get the results I and my team need?
- Where am I investing my valuable time?
- What work will best model behaviors I expect in others?
Two, 2 Minute Time Outs
As the day progresses, continually ask the question “what is the best use of my time right now?” Establish two time-outs which you’ll use to review your plan and adjust your focus to meet your goals for the day.
A 2 Minute End of Day Recap
At the end of each day, recap your current status, confirm your focus and think about the next day.
Teach this to your employees and improve their productivity as well. Encourage them to stop and ask the same question: What is the best use of my time right now? Create a reminder to help trigger the question for you and your employees. Maybe a small, brightly colored Post It note strategically posted in your office. Consider establishing set times during the day such as 11:11 am and 1:11 pm for the time-outs. Or set up a task reminder in Outlook to remind you 3 times a day to re-evaluate your time.
Give it a try for the next 5 work days. Your investment of 65 minutes might just pay off!