People are in a variety of places with the WFH (work from home) and COVID-19 situation.
Many are exhausted, and facing potential burn out due to added work responsibilities, added home schooling responsibilities, and the worry about staying healthy.
We’re finding many leaders who are on video calls and phones calls for most of the day.
The lines between work and non-work are blurred and boundaries are difficult to see.
At this point in the COVID-19, WFH situation, people are getting exhausted.
It might be time for a vacation day and here’s why.
First ask yourself, do you need a day off? Or even a half-day off?
The answer is yes, you do. Even if you can’t “go” anywhere. You need a break from video meetings and calls.
You need a break from email. You need a break from caring and empathizing for your employees, peers and others in your work life.
You need a break from work and you need more time to re-charge.
It’s likely all is running smoothly enough at this point a day or two away is fine. If that seem like too much to handle, then schedule in several half-days.
Second, encourage team members to take some time off.
This has been a very intense season. People may need to create more space, more time away from work.
And they need your encouragement and permission to take the time they need.
Not connecting to work for a couple of days may give you and your employees the extra energy needed for the weeks ahead.