It’s time for a check up on your meeting structure.  It’s likely that your meetings became too loose, or too strict, with the transition to working remotely.

Here’s a check list of things to ensure your meetings are well balanced.

  • Agendas are sent in advance.
  • Time is allotted for necessary discussion without any one individual dominating the conversation.
  • Everyone is participating.
  • Video meetings are better than phone meetings for participation.  People are energized by your meetings.
  • The purpose of each meetings is clear.
  • There is good discussion, decisions are being made and action steps are being tracked.
  • Some time is given for personal connections at each meetings.

And, be sensitive to how many and how much total time your employees are in meetings.  You likely know all too well how draining it can be with too much meeting time.

Invest 7+ minutes and review Patrick Lencioni’s video on 4 Reasons for Meetings.  As he states, how you run meetings reflects how you lead.

This is probably even more true in a virtual world.

In our effort to support you during this unusual time of COVID-19, we have offered these #Leadwell Virtually tips over the past couple of months.  We will be phasing these tips out at the end of June.  You can look back on all of the tips on our #Leadwell Knowledgebase – Leading Well Virtually.

Look forward to our next series of tips on shaping your evolving culture starting this summer.