Having a Conversation About the Everything DiSC Comparison Report®
- Obtain and print a comparison report using one of the following methods:
- Using MyEverythingDiSC.com. If both participants have an active account, an invitation can be sent from one participant to the other to compare styles. Once the invitation has been accepted a report can be downloaded and printed.
- The EPIC system administrator that issued the DiSC assessment invitations can create comparison reports.
- Both participants should read through their report, all 10 pages.
- Schedule a time to meet. 30 – 45 minutes should be sufficient.
The Conversation:
Participants should…
- State their styles
- Go through each of the 6 continuum, discussing areas that could be or have been challenging and beneficial. Note how to better adapt in the future.
- Choose 2 areas they both find important to be working on going forward.
- Define actions they will take to make their interactions in the future go smoother / be more effective.
- Review their Workplace Profile pages 12 – 15 for additional tips to each style.